Justin C. St. John and Te-Sha Tsai
Centre for Genetic Diseases, Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Clayton, Australia
Department of Molecular and Translational Science, Monash University, Clayton, Australia

Robert F Casper MD, FRCS(C)
TRIO Fertility, Fran and Lawrence Bloomberg Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Toronto, and Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada


Prof Evelyn Telfer (PhD) and Dr Cheryl Dunlop
Develoment of the mammalian ovary, University of Edinburgh



Making relevant academic content accessible to genetics professionals Key sources of academic content for many physicians in field of genetics are academic journals which specialize in the field of fertility and genetics such as Fertility and Sterility and Human Reproduction. Finding relevant content in boarder academic publications is difficult and requires time and effort. Journals such as the NEJM, Science, Nature, Lancet, Plus One, and others, publish high quality papers in the field of infertility however in many cases this content is overlooked by genetics professionals. We aim to change that by creating the genetics Reproductive Medical Text Aggregator which will provide professionals with easy access to important academic material in the field.

In this section, the Virtual Academy of Genetics Advisory Board members and registered users volunteer to answer clinical questions, advise on issues and comment on topics submitted by physicians from around the world. Cases are posted on the site (anonymously, if required) and responses are published on a continuous basis.

Submissions of cases can contain up to 250 words. Please include your name, title and affiliation at the bottom of your submission.

To submit an answer, click on the link at the end of the question. Answers can contain up to 250 words. Please include your name, title and affiliation at the bottom of your response. The answer displays below the question.

Feel free to submit your case by email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Making relevant academic content accessible to IVF professionals

Key sources of academic content for many physicians in field of IVF are academic journals which specialize in the field of fertility and IVF such as Fertility and Sterility and Human Reproduction.

Finding relevant content in boarder academic publications is difficult and requires time and effort. Journals such as the NEJM, Science, Nature, Lancet, Plus One, and others, publish high quality papers in the field of infertility however in many cases this content is overlooked by IVF professionals.

We aim to change that by creating the IVF Reproductive Medical Text Aggregator which will provide professionals with easy access to important academic material in the field.

In this section, IVF-Worldwide Advisory Board members and registered users volunteer to answer clinical questions, advise on issues and comment on topics submitted by physicians from around the world. Cases are posted on the site (anonymously, if required) and responses are published on a continuous basis.

Submissions of cases can contain up to 250 words. Please include your name, title and affiliation at the bottom of your submission.

To submit an answer, click on the link at the end of the question. Answers can contain up to 250 words. Please include your name, title and affiliation at the bottom of your response. The answer displays below the question.

Feel free to submit your case online or email it to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Into text

The 21st COGI Congress took place in Frankfurt, May 14-16, 2015. The Congress was dedicated to "Innovation in the field of Reproductive Medicine". Papers presented at the Congress included subjects with Innovative topics that crossed disciplines. Some of the presentations introduced "Breakthrough" ideas in the field. Therefore, we found it adequate to be presented on IVF-Worldwide for educational purposes and to encourage discussions in the field.