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The II Ovarian Club meeting on  ' The fertilization process of the oocyte and embryo development in relation to various clinical conditions', in  Prague , Czech Republic on  November 8-11, 2012 ,is a unique event that will create synergies between basic science, research and daily clinical practice to benefit patient care.More information on:  http://comtecmed.com/oc/2012

The " Ovarian Club" forum aims to help clinicians to reach reliable solutions that can be implemented in their daily practices, and will allow researchers to present their new studies and findings in their fields of expertise creating an inter-active platform for discussions with the leading experts who will attend the Meeting.

OVARIAN Event 2012

Club Faculty


David Albertini, USA
Ellen Anckaert,Belgium

Amir Arav, Israel
Esther Baart,The Netherlands
Piergiorgio Crosignani, Italy
Rabindranath De La Fuente, USA
Nava Dekel, Israel
Dominique De Ziegler,France

Adrian Ellenbogen,Israel

Tom Fleming, UK
Shevach Friedler ,Israel

Norbert Gleicher,USA
Satish Gupta, India

Samir Hamamah, France
Geraldine Hartshorne, UK
Mary Herbert,UK

John C. Herr, USA
Ariel Hourvitz, Israel
Patricia Hunt,USA

Kenneth Korach, USA
Michael Kuperminc, Israel
Maria Lalioti, USA
Shlomo Mashiach ,Israel

Marcos Meseguer, Spain
Kelle H. Moley, USA

Jan Motlik, Czech Republic
Nicole Noyes, USA
Jean-Pierre Ozil, France
Pasquale Patrizio, USA

Patrick Quinn,USA

Carmen Rubio, Spain
Denny Sakkas, USA
Gerald Schatten, USA
Emre Seli, USA
Aritro Sen, USA
Zeev Shoham, Israel
Sherman Silber, USA
Carlos Simón, Spain
Kevin Sinclair, UK
Peter Svoboda, Czech Republic
Evelyn Telfer, UK
Jeremy Thompson, Australia
Jonathan Tilly, USA
Jonathan Van Blerkom, USA
Dori Woods, USA

Gwo-Jang Wu, Taiwan


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