Reproductive Immunology Practice in IVF
The concept of 'Reproductive Immunity' and its role in the field of IVF is one of the hotly debated and controversial elements of screening and therapy for IVF treatment. Some elements, such as coagulopathy are less controversial and investigated by many practitioners, other areas are reviewed with skepticism by some but investigated with conviction by others. As always in areas of medicine at the cutting edge of scientific validity there is huge variation in practice and no consensus to its value. It is hoped that this - the first survey of its kind - will obtain an understanding of the extent of its use in IVF centers internationally. If the response merits, a follow up survey will be compiled on the approach to treatment and therapies.
This survey, proposed by: Joanne Kwak-Kim , MD, Director, Reproductive Medicine Associate Prof. Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Associate Prof. Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, The Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, and Professor Simon Fishel, Managing Director - Professor of Human Reproduction CARE Fertility Group, UK.
- Yes
- No
- I do not know
- I do not think I need to know
- I have no resources
- Through academic press or professional journals
- From professional colleagues
- Through web site or on-line information site
- Through patients
- Yes
- No
- I do not know
- A history of or active autoimmune disease
- A history of or active coagulopathy
- Family history of autoimmune disease
- Family history of coagulopathy
- I do not check any of above
- 0
- Less than 10%
- 10% - 30%
- 31% - 50%
- >50%
- I do not know
- Treat patients with the usual protocol
- Recommend parental genetic study
- Recommend reproductive immunology evaluation
- Recommend thrombophilia evaluation
- Recommend sperm aneuploidy testing
- Recommend sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) assessment
- Recommend PGS (preimplantation genetic screening – also known as PGD)
- Recommend egg donor cycle
- Recommend surrogacy
- None
- FT4
- FT3
- Prolactin
- Fasting glucose
- Fasting insulin level
- Glucose tolerance testing
- None
- Thyroid peroxidase antibody
- Thyroglobulin antibody
- Cardiolipin antibodies (IgG, IgM)
- Beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibody
- Lupus anticoagulant
- Antiphospholipid antibodies such as Antiphosphatidyl ethanolamine antibody Antiphosphatidyl serine antibody Other autoantibodies to phospholipids
- NK cell assay (blood)
- Immunophenotype assay
- TH1/TH2 cell ratio
- HLA Class I and II antigens
- HLA DQ alpha
- Leukocyte antibody detection (crossmatch)
- None
- Activated Protein C Resistance
- Antithrombin III
- Serum homocysteine
- Protein C and Protein S
- Serum PAI-1 level
- Factor V Leiden
- Prothrombin (Factor II) gene
- MTHFR gene
- PAI-1 gene
- I do not know
- Less than 10%
- 10% - 30%
- 31% - 50%
- >50%
- I do not know
- Less than 10%
- 10% - 30%
- 31% - 50%
- >50%
- Yes, I run if the specimen is available
- No, I don’t test
- Follow patient’s decision
- Try again with the same IVF protocol
- Try a different IVF protocol
- Recommend egg donor cycle
- Recommend sperm donor
- Recommend immunological evaluation
- I do not check for genetic abnormality
- 1
- 2
- 3
- >3
- I do not investigate at all
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
- It is not necessary at all
- I do not know
- When starting infertility work up
- Infertility of unknown etiology regardless of IVF treatment
- When starting the first IVF cycle
- After one failed IVF cycle
- After two failed IVF cycles
- After three failed IVF cycles
- None
- FT4
- FT3
- Prolactin
- Fasting glucose
- Fasting insulin level
- Glucose tolerance testing
- None
- Thyroid peroxidase antibody
- Thyroglobulin antibody
- Cardiolipin antibodies (IgG, IgM)
- Beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibody
- Lupus anticoagulant
- Antiphospholipid antibodies such as Antiphosphatidyl ethanolamine antibody Antiphosphatidyl serine antibody Other autoantibodies to phospholipids
- NK cell assay (blood)
- Immunophenotype assay
- TH1/TH2 ratio (blood)
- HLA Class I and II antigens
- HLA DQ alpha
- Leukocyte antibody detection (crossmatch)
- None
- Activated Protein C Resistance
- Antithrombin III
- Serum homocysteine
- Protein C and Protein S
- Serum PAI-1 level
- Factor V Leiden
- Prothrombin (Factor II) gene
- MTHFR gene
- PAI-1 gene
- I do not know
- Less than 10%
- 10% - 30%
- 31% - 50%
- >50%
- I do not know
- Less than 10%
- 10% - 30%
- 31% - 50%
- >50%