Intramuscular Injection Technique (IM)
1.    Wash hands
2.    Choose an injection site in the upper outer quadrant of the rear end, just behind the hip bone.
3.    Wipe the injection site with an alcohol swab and allow to dry completely.
4.    Using your non-dominant hand, pull the skin taut.
5.    Holding the syringe in your dominant hand like you would hold a pen, inject at a 90-degree angle with one swift motion.
6.    Withdraw slightly on the plunger to check for blood. (If blood appears, remove the syringe and apply pressure to the injection site. Choose a new site and begin again.)
7.    Inject the fluid slowly.
8.    Remove the syringe and apply pressure to the injection site.


The upper-outer quadrant of the buttock (right or left) is the recommended site for intramuscular injections. As an alternative only, injections may be given to the upper front quadrant muscle of the thigh.




Subcutaneous Injection Technique (SC)
1.    Wash hands
2.    Choose an injection site on the thigh, abdomen, or outer part of the arm. (Note: We recommend the abdomen.)
3.    Wipe the injection site with an alcohol swab and allow to dry completely.
4.    Using your non-dominant hand, squeeze an area of fatty tissue.
5.    Holding the syringe in your dominant hand like you would hold a pen, inject the needle quickly at a 90-degree angle.
6.    Withdraw the plunger slightly to check for blood. (If blood appears, remove the syringe and apply pressure to the injection site. Choose a new site and begin again.)
7.    Inject the fluid slowly.
8.    Remove the needle and apply pressure to the injection site.

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